Nonprofit Institutions

While most nonprofit organizations navigate many of the same tensions and challenges as other businesses, distinct issues arise that stem from their mission-driven nature.

Nonprofits face distinct challenges

As an active consultant to and volunteer with several nonprofits, I understand the tensions that arise in volunteer boards and have hands-on experience in managing those.

Developing strategy when mission and margin are in conflict.

Leaders know that both are important to sustainably serve the organization’s fundamental purpose. At the same time, stakeholders often have strong points of view on how this tradeoff is managed, making decisions strategically complex.

Leaders and trustees bring their priorities

Not for profit boards and leadership teams are often composed of members with deep commitments to one or more of the organization’s service areas. In this context, strategic decisions are often heavily shaped by who is in the room, and decisions about tradeoffs can be particularly fraught.

The boundary between leadership work and board work is not always clear.

While there is a large literature on best practices, navigating the board-leader relationship in the real world can be tricky, particularly for organizations in transition or otherwise under stress.

People are often uncompensated or under-compensated.

They choose to take their roles for a wide variety of their own reasons. This intrinsic motivation is an extraordinary asset to many organizations, but it can be difficult to manage when it leads people to follow their own priorities over those of the organization.

Project Summary

Expanding influence by leveraging core capabilities

I worked with the Board and staff leadership of a nonprofit organization to develop a strategy that leveraged its core capabilities and extensive network of relationships to expand beyond its traditional base of services. The new strategy took advantage of the organization’s deep understanding of the communities it served to significantly expand its influence with only a modest additional investment.

Client Testimonial

"As a partner, Elizabeth is unparalleled. Her commitment to delivering high-quality work is evident in everything she does. Whether it's a retreat design, a presentation, or a strategy session, her output is always thorough, insightful, and actionable."


Services for Non-profits

An abstract diagram consisting of 5 blue outlined circles connected by a series of yellow lines

While I offer distinct consulting and coaching services, I find the best approach for mission-driven non-profits is often a customized one.

To ensure we are focused on the most impactful intervention, every engagement starts with an exploration of your specific goals and challenges, and a review of relevant data. I can then design a targeted scope and process with real value for you, often combining aspects of multiple services, such as:

Strategy Development

A strategic plan is, at its most basic, the answer to two questions: “What is success?” and “How will we get there?”

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Organizational Design

Complex academic and service organizations often grant considerable autonomy to department and local leaders. At the same time, they must coordinate activity across multiple functions and sometimes large distances.

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Change Management

Getting the most from your teams and colleagues in a rapidly changing environment is hard, particularly when teams are challenged just to keep up with daily demands.

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Executive Coaching

Executive coaching is an opportunity to address the organizational and business issues most on your mind, while also exploring and cultivating your leadership identity and voice.

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Team Development

Effective teamwork can amplify the impact of talented individual leaders and team members.

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